Call Center Services Provider in India

SquadStack is a fully managed tech-first contact center focusing on call center services that boost conversions, reduce CAC, and improve customer experience for leading businesses.

What are Call Center Services?

Call center services are provided by call center agents, who connect with customers via calls to address customer queries and offer prompt support. They engage with leads and customers through inbound or outbound call center services, delivering timely solutions effectively. Additionally, these services utilize advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence and speech analytics to optimize customer interactions and improve efficiency.

Call center agents handle inquiries, resolve issues, and ensure smooth communication. With a focus on providing personalized assistance, agents strive to create positive customer experiences that enhance satisfaction and loyalty. As businesses increasingly recognize the importance of customer-centric approaches, call center services play a crucial role in fostering long-term relationships and driving overall success.

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Trusted by Leading Businesses

Why Use 'SquadStack' for  Call Center Services?

SquadStack, a tech-first telecalling outsourcing company, combines human expertise with technology to deliver results. Our integrated full-stack system is data-driven, providing comprehensive analytics for your sales and operations.

Trained Telecallers

Our extensive team of 10,000+ telecallers undergo thorough screening and assessment. Regular mock calls and training sessions ensure they remain updated and proficient in handling campaigns effectively.
Learn more about our vetted telecallers. 

Proven Track Record

Omnichannel Outreach

With SquadStack's dynamic workflow, you can tailor your omnichannel outreach system to connect seamlessly with customers across various platforms such as SMS, WhatsApp, IVR, and email.
 Learn more about our customizable omnichannel support. 

Vetted Telecallers

Analytics Dashboard

Access comprehensive insights into your campaign's performance with our analytics dashboard. Our detailed insights facilitate data-driven decision-making by identifying areas for improvement and optimizing strategies.
Learn more about our analytics dashboard. 

Quality Analysis

Enhanced Connectivity

Our customizable outreach support helps enhance connectivity rates by 90%, providing faster TAT (Turnaround Time). We understand the importance of staying connected with your customers and are dedicated to ensuring you can reach them effectively.

Vetted Telecallers

AI-Led Call Quality Monitoring

We offer AI-driven lead call quality monitoring, enabling us to monitor 15% of the calls across 23 parameters. These parameters are highly flexible and can be adjusted according to your business needs. This ensures complete transparency.
Learn more about our Call Quality Monitoring

Quality Analysis

SquadStack’s Contact Center Services For Small Businesses in India

SquadStack's plug-and-play option is a boon for small businesses aiming to launch telecalling campaigns swiftly. In just 15 minutes, businesses can set up their campaigns, simplifying the process of connecting with leads through outbound calls.

The streamlined process involves creating a SquadStack account, exploring sample campaigns and analytics, crafting a customized campaign with a calling script, and uploading it. With SquadStack's assistance, the calling script undergoes a tailored review, ensuring warm greetings, relevant purposes, company introductions, effective closings, and customized Q&A segments. Once approved, businesses add credits, and voila! Their campaign is live and ready to make an impact, all achieved within a mere 48 hours.

This approach offers businesses a hassle-free and efficient solution to launch telecalling campaigns, saving valuable time and resources while ensuring engaging and effective interactions with potential leads.

Lead Management and Omnichannel Outreach
sq with moneyview
Check Out How SquadStack 
Helped Moneyview!
“In the past two years, we have had tremendous growth, almost 10x in the number of loan disbursals we do.”
Manoj Kumar Dronadula
Manoj Kumar Dronadula
Product, Growth, and Partnerships at MoneyView

Call Center Services For the Brokerage Industry:

SquadStack provides invaluable assistance to brokerage companies by seamlessly connecting with their target audience, opening more demat accounts, activating them, and ultimately increasing revenue per account. Our collaboration with India's leading investment company, Upstox, helped it achieve a remarkable 40% increase in activations. We provided trained telecallers who engaged with leads through omnichannel outreach, resulting in a 75% increase in connectivity and a robust 40% activation rate.
Read more

System-Driven Outreach

Call Center Services For Insurance Industry

The insurance industry often struggles with high customer acquisition costs (CAC), hindering business growth. SquadStack has effectively addressed this challenge for companies like Choice India, facilitating campaign scaling and digital transformation that led to a remarkable 200% reduction in CAC. Our comprehensive call center services cover everything from lead qualification and onboarding to reactivation and systematic follow-ups, all conveniently managed through a single platform.
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Campaign Management

Call Center Services For the E-commerce Industry:

SquadStack has also demonstrated its prowess in assisting e-commerce businesses like Delhivery and Udaan, leveraging AI-driven technology to reduce turnaround times, optimize customer workflows, and deliver unparalleled analytics dashboards with 100% data transparency.
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AI-Led Quality Monitoring

Call Center Services For the Lending Industry

SquadStack has been instrumental in supporting lending businesses through lead qualification, appointment booking, insurance plan sales, payment reminders, and policy renewals. For instance, our partnership with Zest enabled them to scale their operations efficiently by providing comprehensive oversight of their telecalling campaigns. This led to a 40% boost in sales and an impressive 86% lead connectivity rate.
Read more

Usage-Based Pricing

Different Types of Call Center Services Available in India

Inbound Call Center Services

Inbound call center services in India typically involve receiving calls from customers for various reasons, usually for inquiries, support, assistance, placing orders, resolving issues, or seeking information about products or services.

Proven Track Record

Outbound Call Center Services

In outbound call center services in India, the sales rep reaches out to leads for the lead generation process, which helps bring sales opportunities and increase revenue for the business. Apart from this, outbound is used to take feedback, conduct surveys, and provide proactive assistance to the company.

Vetted Telecallers

Web-enabled Call Center Services

The call center is connected to web-based technology, which helps the business connect with customers through various channels. It is essential to communicate with them to build rapport and provide prompt assistance.

Quality Analysis

Non-Voice Processes

Non-voice BPO performs backend functions that don’t come in front of customers. They connect with customers via different channels except for calls and ensure that personalized solutions are provided with a low response time.

Vetted Telecallers

Technical Support

The agents are well-versed in providing technical support related to hardware and software. This includes troubleshooting, bug resolution, hardware configuration, optimizing system performance, and ensuring seamless operation of supported products or services.

Quality Analysis

Telemarketing Call Center Services

Telemarketing call center services involve connecting with leads and customers via phone calls or various channels to market or advertise products and services. Agents conduct outreach through marketing channels, facilitating businesses in raising awareness about their offerings.

Vetted Telecallers

Lead Generation Services

Call center service companies provide lead generation services, which aid businesses in generating leads through various strategies. This facilitates the filling of the sales pipeline by guiding leads through different stages and enhancing brand awareness by reaching a wider audience.

Quality Analysis

SquadStack VS Other BPO Call Center Services


Customer experience


Omnichannel support

Flexibility and Scalability

Inbound Calling Services






Outbound Calling Services






Frequently Asked Questions

What is lead management, and why is it essential for businesses?

Lead management is integral to business operations and essential for effectively managing leads and maximizing conversion rates. A well-implemented system streamlines identifying and nurturing leads, ensuring that businesses can prioritize resources and focus on the most promising prospects. By leveraging strategies, companies can efficiently handle leads from various sources, improving efficiency and enhancing communication between sales and marketing teams.

With the best lead management software, companies can target priority leads efficiently and make sure everything runs smoothly. Identifying at what step of the sales funnel the leads are getting dropped is a crucial indicator of the problems arising in sales processes. By identifying these problems, companies can work towards finding solutions and manage leads effectively.

What is a call center?

A call hub is a central spot where agents manage numerous telephonic conversations for a business. These interactions span from customer inquiries to sales pitches and technical guidance.

What is the difference between a BPO and a call center?

Call centers exclusively deal with telephone-based interactions, whereas BPO covers a broader spectrum of tasks that are outsourced to it by other businesses.

What are the challenges faced by call center services in India?

Call center service providers in India face many challenges, such as staff turnover, maintaining service consistency, dealing with high call volumes, keeping pace with technological advancements, and ensuring data confidentiality.

    Who is a call center service provider?

    A call center assistance provider is a business entity that aids other firms in managing their telephonic inquiries. Equipped with trained manpower and advanced technology, they handle calls on behalf of their clients.

      Why are call center services for small businesses considered important?

      Outsourcing call center tasks brings about cost savings and enables small businesses to focus on core activities. It allows scalability to handle varying call volumes and offers round-the-clock assistance.


      “It is a very cost-effective model and has been extremely helpful for us. It is ever-evolving, 
user-friendly, and lucrative unless there are people who don’t want to try new things.”

      Ishita Shah,
       Program Manager at Delhivery

      “Their app and the structured approach to calling have been game changers for us. 
Having a clear, organised process for the callers to follow has made all the difference 
and this shift has created a lot of other cascading benefits for us.”

      Praveen Jain,
       Product Manager at Moneyview

      “With SquadStack, we've achieved a great scale while keeping the costs in control. Leads are properly allocated to ensure we have a great TAT, leading to a higher connectivity rate.”

      Ronak Agarwal,
       Head of Marketing at Choice

      “Outsourcing to SquadStack gives us a lot of flexibility. To do anything in-house, you will 
need a lot of time to scale up and execute things at a fast rate. We found a great partner 
in SquadStack, who helped us achieve our growth goals”

      Satyartha Srivastava,
       Customer Success Lead at Upstox
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